France emerges as a top destination for Greece also in 2022

With great success ended its activities, the 2nd Greek Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop, which was organized by Tourism Media & Events, in Paris April 19.
Around 313 B2B meetings were conducted, 77 tourist agents from France, journalists and 14 companies and public operators participated, raising high expectations for incoming French travelers to Greece in 2022 The 2nd Greek Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop, was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, the Greek Embassy in Paris and the Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce.
Main sponsor of the event was the Greek National Tourism Organization. Honored destination is Region of Crete. The official Air Carrier Sponsor is Aegean Airlines.
At the Workshop also participated Region of Western Greece, Municipality of Karistos, Municipality of Chalki, Athens International Airport and the Rhodos Tourism Promotion Organization “PROTOUR”.
The event, which took place at «La Villa Mikuna», honored with his presence the representative of the department of Economic and Commercial affairs of the Greek embassy in Paris, Mr Vasilis Stelianidis.
Presentations were made by the head of Greek National Tourism Organization, in France, Mrs Dimitra Voziki, Region of Crete, counselor of Tourism and E-governance, Dr Kiriakos Kotsoglou, Head of Tourism Department Mr Nikos Alexakis, Mrs Maria Lavdaki from Tourism Department of Region of Lasithi and Mrs Ionna Papadopoulou, director of communication and marketing from Athens international Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”.
The event ended with a raffle draw and around 25 gifts from Greek destinations and businesses were offered to the French travel agents giving them the opportunity to visit Greece and seal their collaborations with Greek participants.
Next events, organized by Tourism Media & Events, are going to take place live and focus on the promotion of Greek luxury tourism.
• Dubai, May 11 2022.
• Quatar May 18 2022.
• Amsterdam (October 2022).
• USA (November 2022).
• Poland (early December 2022).

Dynamic presence from GNTO in the Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop in Qatar

A dynamic presence is expected from Greek National Tourism Organisation, at the Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop, organized by Tourism Media & Events, Wednesday April 18, in Qatar, aiming to attract high-income tourists.
The GNTO is going to be the main sponsor of the Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop, reasserting Its support and commitment to all initiatives, aiming to promote Greece as a touristic destination abroad.
The presence of Greek National Tourism Organization is of high importance as one of its strategic priorities is to feature Greece at the top of the alternative and gastronomy tourism market worldwide.
The event will take place under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and the honored destination is the Region of Central Macedonia. Sponsors of the Workshop are also, MIDEAST TRAVEL GROUP, «Greek Breakfast» and municipality of Rethymnos.
The Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop, aims to designate Greece as o top high-end tourism and gastronomy destination, worldwide. The attraction of travelers from the Middle East is strategically important for Greek tourism.
B2B meetings have already been scheduled between the Greek participating tourism businesses and representatives from Qatar.
The Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshops are addressing to tourism companies and destinations that are interested in sealing partnerships and promoting their services and products around luxury tourism.
At the same time, they are addressed to agri-food companies that want to penetrate or even strengthen their presence in key markets in Middle East.

“Storm” of meetings in the Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop 2022 at Dubai

High standard, representatives, from the Arabic tourist market and world class meetings are expected to take place at the Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop 2022, which will be conducted at the Fairmont hotel in Dubai, May 11 2022, offering unique opportunities to Greek participants.
Given the positive outlook for Arab incoming travelers to Greece during 2022, which indicates even doubling the numbers of visitors, business and public sector of Greek tourism industry, aiming, with their presence at the Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop, to attract high-income tourists.
Furthermore, the timing of the event, gives an important advantage to the participants due to the conduction of Arabian Travel Market.
The Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop 2022, in Dubai, organized by Tourism Media & Events towards the direction of enhancing luxury and gastronomy tourism in Greece, is part of a sequence of successful events that aim to promote the tourist product of Greece in key markets abroad.
It is noted that the event takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, the Greek Embassy in the UAE, based in Abu Dhabi, and the Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce.
Almost 120 tourist agents from UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are going to participate.
Sponsors are the Ionian Islands region, Mideast Travel Worldwide and the “English Breakfast” initiative by Hellenic Chamber of Hotels.
The Honored Destination is the South Aegean region.
The workshop, will also include, presentations of destinations and a cocktail, where all the participants will have the opportunity for further “networking”
The next events, aiming to promote the Greek tourism luxury market will take place at Qatar, May 18 2022, Amsterdam October 2022, the USA November 14-16 2022 and Warsaw early December.

Strong presence by GNTO in the Greek Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop in Paris

Its support and commitment to all initiatives, aiming to promote Greece as a touristic  destination abroad, is expected to demonstrate the Greek National Tourism Organization, at the Greek Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop, organized by Tourim Media & Events in Paris, April 19.

The presence of Greek National Tourism Organization is of high importance as one of its strategic priorities is to feature Greece at the top of the alternative and gastronomy tourism market worldwide.

Greek National Tourism Organization is going to be the main sponsor of the Greek Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop, with the participation of destinations, tourism and export companies, aiming to penetrate or strengthen their presence in key markets, as in France.

The event will take place under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, the Greek Embassy in Paris and the Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce.

Honored destination is Region of Crete.  The official Air Carrier Sponsor is Aegean Airlines.

At the event also will participate Region of Western Greece, Municipality of Karistos, Municipality of Chalki, Athens International Airport and the Rhodos Tourism Promotion Organization “PROTOUR”. Furthermore leading Greek hotels and innovative companies in the hotel industry are going to be present.

Hundreds of Business to Business (B2B) meetings are already planned.

The event will take place at «La Villa Mikuna».

The Workshop, which is taking place April 19, scheduled as follows:

14.00 – 15.00     Registrations, Welcome Greetings, cocktail and networking
15.00 – 19.30     B2B meetings
19.30 – 20.30     Cocktail Dinner, Presentations by Greek National Tourism                     Organization and Greek destinations

20.30 – 21.00     Lucky draw
21.00     End of Workshop


«NORDICS» landing in Greece

«NORDICS» landing in Greece

The first GREEK TOURISM & GASTRONOMY WORKSHOP for 2022, organized by Tourism Media & Events, will open its doors for the Scandinavian audience at 21-23 March.

The ‘’Greek –Nordic Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop”, which is adapted to the new reality, will take place online through a leading, specially designed digital platform, aims to introduce Greek tourism companies to 80-100 travel agencies from the four Nordic countries (Sweden-Denmark-Norway-Finland).

The Scandinavian market is one of the top for greek tourism, in terms of arrivals, as in 2021 the number of tourists from the Nordics had a remarkable increase compared to 2020. First in the list was Denmark. Danes prefer adventure tourism, they travel to live new experiences, relaxation and warm places. They, usually, choose to stay in, 3,4 and 5 stars, hotels or resorts. Their vacations last 5 or 6 weeks yearly and prices, security, climate are the most important factors to choose a destination.

The workshop is part of a course of Greek Tourism & Gastronomy Workshops events, organized by Tourism Media & Events towards the direction of enhancing alternative tourism in Greece.

The event which will be concluded on March 23, 2022 – after the completion of hundreds of B2B pre-arranged virtual meetings – follows a series of successful online events for alternative tourism, organized by Tourism Media & Events the period 2020-2021, in Belgium, Poland, United Kingdom, France and Germany.

The event takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the Intercultural Group for UNESCO.

The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 until spring, combined with the effects of the health crisis in the tourism sector, makes it necessary for this event to take place online.

The upcoming events, throughout 2022, will take place either live, or in combination with digital means, depending on the circumstances in every country and based on the latest developments and restrictions, resulting from the pandemic.

The next Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop will take place at London March 31, 2022 and after that at Paris, April 2022.

As part of the promotion of Greek luxury and alternative tourism, expected to take place five “Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshops”, Russia April 7, Dubai May 11, Quatar May 18, Amsterdam in October and the States in November 2022.

The Greek Alternative & Luxury Tourism Workshops, are addressed to tourism companies and public bodies that are interested in promoting their services and products around luxury and alternative tourism.

100-120 local travel agents and 10-15 distinguished media participate from the touristic markets of each country, ensuring the maximum possible publicity of the event.

For the success of the events, the experienced executives of the organizing company Tourism Media & Events join forces with local PR companies, ensuring the participation of the most important professionals of the local market.

At the beginning of the online event in the Nordic market, a webinar will be held for all participants with presentations of alternative destinations and gastronomic products from Greece.

The event continues with the holding of pre-arranged meetings over 3 days, during which all participants will have the opportunity to present their proposals to travel agents and tour operators, or specialized professionals in imports and agriculture operating.

The event will end with a raffle draw and the agents will have the opportunity to travel to Greece and seal their deals with the Greek participants.

Greek Alternative & Gastronomy Tourism in the spotlight in Paris

Greece is expected to claim the leading role during the 2nd Greek Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop, which will take place at Paris in April 19.

The event is held with the ultimate goal to highlighting Greece, as the top destination in the international tourist and gastronomic market.

French has a special interest in the Greek tourism market as it was the top destination for 2021. Also, the predictions for 2022 are optimistic, thanks to many flights from airlines, like Air France, Transavia, Aegean, Sky Express and also because of the fact that Greece is a, medium distances, destination that conforms with the trends of the French market.

The event will take place under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, the Greek Embassy in Paris and the Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce.

Main sponsor will be the Greek National Tourism Organisation.

Honored destination is Region of Crete. The official Air Carrier Sponsor is Aegean Airlines.

At the event will participate Region of Western Greece, Municipality of Karistos, Municipality of Chalki, Athens International Airport and the Rhodos Tourism Promotion Organization “PROTOUR”. Also, leading Greek hotels and innovative companies in the hotel industry.


Around 114 local travel agents and 10 distinguished media will participate from the touristic markets of each country. Hundreds of Business to Business (B2B) meetings are already planned.

The Workshop will end with a raffle draw and the agents will have the opportunity to travel to Greece and seal their deals with the Greek participants.

The event will take place at «La Villa Mikuna».

481 B2B meetings at the Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop in BeNeLux

The Virtual Workshop on Luxury Tourism and Gastronomy with the Benelux market, organized by Tourism Media & Events, has been successfully completed today. Around 481 business meetings have been held between Benelux tour operators and travel agents and Greek tourism companies and destinations, but also between Benelux food importers and Greek food export companies.

The interest in Greek tourism is extremely high for the touristic 2022, as shown in the high number of participations. The Benelux tour operators noted that Greece despite the pandemic remains high in the preferences of their compatriots, as confirmed by the particularly high attendance at B2B meetings compared to other live events-workshops in the past. Dozens of retailers and importers also confirm this high interest in Greek tourism, as they are more than willing to get in touch with Greek companies in the food and beverage sector, which promote Greek tourism through gastronomy.

84 Beneluxtravel agents, 15 distinguished media, and 15 importers of Greek products participated in the event. On the Greek side, 16 tourist destinations and businesses and 14 F&B companies from the Attica Region participated.

The main Sponsor of the event was the Greek National Tourism Organization.

Aegean Airlines was the Official Air Carrier Sponsor. Sponsors of the event; the Region of Western Greece, the “Greek Breakfast”, the Athens International Airport; the Honored Region was the Region of Crete, and the Honored Gastronomic Region the Region of Attica.

Despite the strict cross-border controls and restrictions on the movement of goods and services which persist due to the ongoing pandemic of COVID 19, Tourism Media & Events has made a decisive contribution to the upgrading of the tourism product of Greece, and has also promoted the Greek F&B exports.

At the beginning of the event, a webinar was held with presentations of Greek destinations and gastronomic products to representatives of large and specialized local media, ensuring maximum publicity of the event.

The event was honored by the presence of the Greek Deputy Minister of Tourism, Mrs. Sofia Zacharaki, and the Secretary General of Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Giannis Chrysoulakis.

Presentations were made by the Director of GNTO in Benelux, Mrs. Eleni Skarveli,  the Head of Tourism of the Region of Crete, Mr. Nikos Alexakis, the Agricultural Specialist of the Region of Attica, Mrs. Maria Konstantopoulou, Mrs. Georgia Papaspyrou from the Director of Tourism Planning of the Strategic Region of Western Greece and Mrs. Caroline Cairns, Account Manager of Aegean Airlines in  United Kingdom, Ireland, and Benelux.

The event has been concluded on Monday 22.11.2021 with a live raffle draw where 30 gifts from destinations and businesses were offered to travel agents, giving them the opportunity to visit Greece and seal their collaborations with Greek participants.

18-22 November 2021 the Virtual Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop in Benelux

The Virtual Luxury and Gastronomy Tourism Workshop in Benelux, organized by Tourism Media & Events has entered its final phase. B2B meetings have already been scheduled between the Greek participating tourism businesses, destinations, food export companies, and Benelux travel agents, and F&B buyers.

The interest in Greek tourism is extremely high for the touristic 2022, as shown in the high number of participations. Dozens of retailers and importers also confirm this high interest in Greek tourism, as they are more than willing to get in touch with Greek companies in the food and beverage sector, which promote Greek tourism through gastronomy.

The workshop, which has adapted to the new reality and will take place online through a leading, specially designed digital platform, aims to make Greece a top high-end touristic, gastronomic destination on the world map.

The event takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the Embassy of Greece in Luxembourg, the Intercultural Group for UNESCO, and the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy.

The main Sponsor of the event is the Greek National Tourism Organization.
The Honored Tourist Region will be the Region of Crete, while the Honored Gastronomic Region will be the Region of Attica.

Sponsors of the event are the Region of Western Greece, the Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos” and “Greek Breakfast”, while the Official Air Sponsor will be “Aegean Airlines”.

More than 490 Business to Business (B2B) meetings between Greek institutions and companies have already been planned for the workshop with Belgian and Dutch professionals.

98 local travel agents and tour operators, 29 potential importers of Greek products, and distinguished media participate on the part of the Benelux market.

The Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshops are addressed to tourism companies and destinations that are interested in sealing partnerships and promoting their services and products around luxury tourism.

At the same time, they are addressed to export companies that want to penetrate or even strengthen their presence in key markets in Europe.

19-20 April the Greek – Danish Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop 2021

19/04/2021 The Greek – Danish Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop 2021 opens its doors today.

The workshop with a focus on the Danish market is part of a course of the Virtual Greek Tourism & Gastronomy Workshops 2021 events, organized by Tourism Media & Events.

The Greek – Danish Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop 2021 with the ultimate goal of highlighting the alternative forms of tourism in Greece, and the promotion of Greek F&B in the Danish market, which is a key market of incoming travelers to Greece.

The event, which will end on April 20 – after hundreds of B2B pre-arranged virtual meetings – is a continuation of successful online alternative tourism and gastronomy events in the markets of Belgium, Poland, the United Kingdom, France and of Germany.

The event takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the Intercultural Group for UNESCO and the Greek Embassy in Denmark.

The main Sponsor of the event is the Greek National Tourism Organization.

Honored Region is the Region of Crete.

The official Air Carrier Sponsor is Aegean Airlines Other sponsors are the Region of Epirus, the Greek Breakfast, and the Municipality of Karystos.

In general, the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, combined with the effects of the health crisis in both the tourism and gastronomy sectors, makes it necessary to adapt to the new reality and create positive conditions for Greek tourism the next day. Therefore, the events throughout 2021 will take place online through a leading, specially designed, professional platform.

In parallel with the event for alternative tourism, there will be a simultaneous event for the agri-food sector, with a barrage of B2B meetings, seeking to highlight the benefits arising from the connection of tourism with gastronomy.

For the promotion of alternative tourism and gastronomy in Greece, another event will take place in Sweden in December 2021.

For the promotion of luxury tourism and Greek agricultural products, our company organizes the Greek Luxury Tourism & Gastronomy Workshops, having selected the following countries: Russia 5-7 May 2021, Dubai, 12-13 May 2021, USA, October 2021, and the Benelux, in November 2021.

The Greek Alternative & Luxury Tourism Workshops are addressed to tourism companies and public bodies that are interested in promoting their services and products around alternative tourism and/or luxury tourism. The Greek Gastronomy Workshops are of direct interest to export companies that wish to penetrate or strengthen their presence in key markets in Europe.

70-80 local travel agents (in the case of the United Kingdom the participation exceeded all previous ones) and tour operators of the market, and for the agricultural sector, 40-50 buyers participate in each event (importers, wholesalers, supermarket chains, delicatessens, etc.).

For the success of the events, the experienced executives of the organizing company Tourism Media & Events join forces with local PR companies, ensuring the participation of the most important professionals of the local market.

At the beginning of the online events, there will be a webinar for all participants with presentations of Greek destinations and gastronomic products. The events continue with the holding of pre-arranged meetings over 2-3 days, during which all participants will have the opportunity to present their proposals to travel agents and tour operators, or specialized professionals in imports and agriculture.

8-10 December 2020 the “Virtual Greek Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop in Poland”

       Athens, 23.11.2020


The Virtual Greek Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop in Poland enters its final stage, as B2B meetings have been scheduled for both participating tourism companies and destinations and food export companies, seeking to penetrate or strengthen their presence in the BENELUX market, especially in Belgium.

The interest for Greek tourism is extremely positive for the touristic year of 2020, as illustrated by the participations. So is the interest of dozens of Polish retailers and importers to get in touch with Greek companies in the food and beverage industry, which arise as potential ambassadors of Greek tourism via gastronomy.

Despite the strict cross-border controls and restrictions on the movement of goods and services, currently imposed by the pandemic, Tourism Media & Events continues to make a decisive contribution to upgrading the tourism product – while stimulating Greek food and beverage exports, by organizing Virtual – following the course of pandemic – B2B meetings.

The event takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Rural Development, the Embassy of Greece in Poland and the Intercultural Group for UNESCO.

The main Sponsor of the event is the Hellenic Tourism Organization.

Honored Region, the Region of South Aegean. Honored Gastronomic Region, Region of Central Macedonia.

The official airline sponsor is Aegean Airlines and sponsors the Region of Central Greece, the “Greek Breakfast”, Municipality of Karystos and Municipality of Preveza.

More than 510 Business to Business (B2B) meetings between Greek and Polish institutions and companies have already been scheduled for the Workshop. On the Polish market’s part, 78 local travel agents and tour operators in 26 potential buyers of Greek products and 15 distinguished media are to be participating.

The Greek Alternative & Gastronomy Workshops are addressed to tourism companies and destinations, interested in promoting their services and products related to alternative tourism. At the same time, they are directed to export companies wishing to penetrate or strengthen their presence in key markets in Europe.