637 B2B Meetings at the Virtual Greek-Belgium Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop

With the holding of 637 business meetings, the Virtual Workshop of Alternative Tourism and Gastronomy in Belgium was completed on November 27, by Tourism Media & Events. The event was about unique B2B meetings, both between Belgian tour operators and travel agents with Greek tourism businesses and destinations, as well as Belgian food importers with Greek food export companies.

The interest for the touristic season of 2021, as illustrated by the participations and appointments, was extremely high. As noted by the Belgian travel agents, Greece – despite the pandemic – remains high in the preferences of their compatriots, emphasizing the successful management of the pandemic by our country. That was indicative of the particularly high attendance in the B2B program compared to other past live events -workshops for Greece and other countries. The interest of dozens of Belgian retailers and importers remains high, as more and more wish to get in touch with Greek companies in the food and beverage industry, which arise as potential ambassadors of Greek tourism via gastronomy.

In particular, on the Belgian part, 79 travel agents, 25 distinguished media and 21 importers of Greek products participated. On the Greek side, 18 tourist destinations and businesses and 22 companies in the food and beverage industry participated.

It is underlined that the main Sponsor of the event was the Hellenic Tourism Organization.

Official airline sponsor is Aegean Airlines, sponsor : “Hellenic Breakfast“,  supporter:  HOTEL BRAIN and Honored Gastronomic Region, the Region of Central Macedonia. Despite the strict cross-border controls and restrictions on the movement of goods and services, currently imposed by the pandemic, Tourism Media & Events, by organizing this event, has made a decisive contribution to upgrading the tourism product and stimulating exports of Greek food and beverages  At the beginning of the event, a webinar was held with presentations of destinations and gastronomic products of Greece, to representatives of distinguished and specialized local media in Belgium so as to ensure the maximum publicity of the event.

The event was honored by the presence of the Ambassador of Greece to Belgium, Mr. Dionysios Kalavrezos, the Minister of Tourism, Mr. Haris Theocharis and the General Secretary of EOT, Mr. Dimitris Fragakis.

Presentations were held by the Director of EOT in Benelux, Ms. Eleni Skarveli, Mr. Sotiris Batos, Deputy Regional Minister of Agriculture of the Region of Central Macedonia, Ms. Linda Bets, Country Sales Manager of Aegean for the United Kingdom, Ireland and Ireland, and Professor Mr. Nikolas Zouros, director of the Museum of Natural History of the Petrified Forest of Lesvos.

The event started on Wednesday 25.11.2020 in the morning and ended on Friday 27.11.2020 with a live raffle draw, where 30 gifts from destinations and businesses were given out to Belgian travel agents, giving them the opportunity to visit Greece and seal their partnerships with the Greek participants.

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